Daily Catholic Lectio. Mon, 29 Apr 2024. Helper

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Daily Catholic Lectio

Mon, 29 April 2024

Fifth Week of Easter – Monday

Acts 14:5-18. John 14:21-26


Jesus’ farewell discourse continues. The discourse seems difficult to understand in a few places. At times, we see contradictions in the narrative. Jesus, who says, “I go to prepare a dwelling for you,” suddenly changes the direction and says, “I and my father will come and dwell in you.” The disciples and we are confused: does Jesus go from us? or does he come to us? In the gospel reading, Jesus, answering Judas (Taddeus), tells him that the disciples love Jesus and the Father.

At the end of the reading, Jesus says, “The Advocate, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you.” As we are approaching the solemnity of the Pentecost, the readings begin to introduce us to the understanding of the Holy Spirit.

Two things are clear from Jesus’ words: (a) The name of the Holy Spirit is ‘the Advocate’ (or helper, comforter, or consoler). (b) The works of the Spirit are to teach us and to remind us.

In the narrative, Jesus will depart from his disciples soon. The role of the comforter becomes significant here. Moreover, here we have an explicit presentation of the Trinity – Father-Son-Spirit. When we are not able to understand the realities of life, the Holy Spirit comes to lead us to enlightenment.

The Holy Spirit is the often-forgotten person of the Holy Trinity. It is necessary that we always recall his presence. He is there within us – as the inner voice, as the thought, and as the light to our knowledge.

In the first reading, Paul and Barnabas work a miracle at Lystra in the name of the Lord. The people are amazed at the event, and they call them their gods. Paul uses this opportunity for proclamation. The people felt the presence of God through them.

The Holy Spirit makes us realise the presence of God with us. Let us show God’s presence to others at home, in our parish, in our community, and at work.


“There is no love without hope, no hope without love, and neither hope nor love without faith.” (Jubilee A. D. 2025, bite 84)

Fr. Yesu Karunanidhi

Archdiocese of Madurai

Missionary of Mercy

# Be M.er.cy.Fool

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